Influencing Global Understandings and Climate Actions

As we learn from each other we see also see the more clearly the absolute necessity not only to expand our own capacities—working on an emergency basis with all our countrymen, but to strongly shape global policies as well. We take every opportunity to learn from —but also to inform and to influence—the other regions on our planet whose decisions and actions have such a big impact on the futures of our own lands.

Working person to person, in ever sector, and even across all regions, we seek to achieve that much greater unity—and power—to stop the harm coming from bad global policies, many long standing—but some brand new, even well-intentioned.

Where our voices are absent, or not yet attended to, even those seeking to “mitigate climate change” can miss the mark, lacking what they need to understand first hand the real impacts on regions their proponents many not even realize they are affecting: the slave-mining of rare earths, the vast land thefts “sold” as carbon credits, or how the shift to GMO’s and the still further killing of our soils can be the real result of global efforts to assure “food security”—but in entirely the wrong way, ways that in practice are actually expanding today’s hunger and very rapidly.

Nor are these the only results of our voices going unheard, for in this silence our own real needs also continue to go unnoticed, or but poorly responded to, while the proven solutions our voices could bring in, and the enormous talents of our regions, go untapped.

These realities are not the first priorities of EVN, but they are among our highest. Thus EVN exists at least in part to reach out well beyond our own regions to others far flung, across not only national borders, but across all regions, between all sectors, and at all scales. Together we seek to assure that all that we are learning, first from each other first, but then also from other regions, can be fully amplified. Thus do we seek what we can only achieve together: to shape and to push for—and at last to bring into being those global policies that will actually bring the critically needed support to the local—and thus no longer to impede, but indeed to thus help make possible the health, the security and the true well-being of all the communities we serve.

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